Meta Label Correction for Learning with Weak Supervision

1911.03809 |

Published by arXiv


Leveraging weak or noisy supervision for building effective machine learning models has long been an important research problem. The growing need for large-scale datasets to train deep learning models has increased its importance. Weak or noisy supervision could originate from multiple sources including non-expert annotators or automatic labeling based on heuristics or user interaction signals. Previous work on modeling and correcting weak labels have been focused on various aspects, including loss correction, training instance re-weighting, etc. In this paper, we approach this problem from a novel perspective based on meta-learning. We view the label correction procedure as a meta-process and propose a new meta-learning based framework termed MLC for learning with weak supervision. Experiments with different label noise levels on multiple datasets show that MLC can achieve large improvement over previous methods incorporating weak labels for learning.