Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences From GPS Trajectories

Proceedings of International conference on World Wide Web 2009 |

WWW 2009


The increasing availability of GPS-enabled devices is changing the way people interact with the Web, and brings us a large amount of GPS trajectories representing people’s location histories. In this paper, based on multiple users’ GPS trajectories, we aim to mine interesting locations and classical travel sequences in a given geospatial region. Here, interesting locations mean the culturally important places, such as Tiananmen Square in Beijing, and frequented public areas, like shopping malls and restaurants, etc. Such information can help users understand surrounding locations, and would enable travel recommendation. In this work, we first model multiple individuals’ location histories with a tree-based hierarchical graph (TBHG). Second, based on the TBHG, we propose a HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search)-based inference model, which regards an individual’s access on a location as a directed link from the user to that location. This model infers the interest of a location by taking into account the following three factors. 1) The interest of a location depends on not only the number of users visiting this location but also these users’ travel experiences. 2) Users’ travel experiences and location interests have a mutual reinforcement relationship. 3) The interest of a location and the travel experience of a user are relative values and are region-related. Third, we mine the classical travel sequences among locations considering the interests of these locations and users’ travel experiences. We evaluated our system using a large GPS dataset collected by 107 users over a period of one year in the real world. As a result, our HITS-based inference model outperformed baseline approaches like rank-by-count and rank-by-frequency. Meanwhile, when considering the users’ travel experiences and location interests, we achieved a better performance beyond baselines, such as rank-by-count and rank-by-interest, etc.

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GeoLife GPS Trajectories

August 9, 2012

This is a GPS trajectory dataset collected in (Microsoft Research Asia) GeoLife project by 182 users in a period of over three years (from April 2007 to August 2012). A GPS trajectory of this dataset is represented by a sequence of time-stamped points, each of which contains the information of latitude, longitude and altitude. This dataset contains 17,621 trajectories with a total distance of about 1.2 million kilometers and a total duration of 48,000+ hours. These trajectories were recorded by different GPS loggers and GPS-phones, and have a variety of sampling rates. 91 percent of the trajectories are logged in a dense representation, e.g. every 1~5 seconds or every 5~10 meters per point. This dataset recoded a broad range of users' outdoor movements, including not only life routines like go home and go to work but also some entertainments and sports activities, such as shopping, sightseeing, dining, hiking, and cycling. This trajectory dataset can be used in many research fields, such as mobility pattern mining, user activity recognition, location-based social networks, location privacy, and location recommendation.