On the Reliability of Test Collections for Evaluating Systems of Different Types

Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval |

Published by ACM


As deep learning based models are increasingly being used for information retrieval (IR), a major challenge is to ensure the availability of test collections for measuring their quality. Test collections are generated based on pooling results of various retrieval systems, but until recently this did not include deep learning systems. This raises a major challenge for reusable evaluation: Since deep learning based models use external resources (e.g. word embeddings) and advanced representations as opposed to traditional methods that are mainly based on lexical similarity, they may return different types of relevant document that were not identified in the original pooling. If so, test collections constructed using traditional methods are likely to lead to biased and unfair evaluation results for deep learning (neural) systems. This paper uses simulated pooling to test the fairness and reusability of test collections, showing that pooling based on traditional systems only can lead to biased evaluation of deep learning systems.

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TREC Deep Learning Track

April 24, 2024

The TREC Deep Learning Track studies information retrieval in a large training data regime. This is the case where the number of training queries with at least one positive label is at least in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or more. This corresponds to real-world scenarios such as training based on click logs and training based on labels from shallow pools (such as the pooling in the TREC Million Query Track or the evaluation of search engines based on early precision).