Overview of the TREC 2020 deep learning track

Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) |

Published by TREC


This is the second year of the TREC Deep Learning Track, with the goal of studying ad hoc ranking in the large training data regime. We again have a document retrieval task and a passage retrieval task, each with hundreds of thousands of human-labeled training queries. We evaluate using single-shot TREC-style evaluation, to give us a picture of which ranking methods work best when large data is available, with much more comprehensive relevance labeling on the small number of test queries. This year we have further evidence that rankers with BERT-style pretraining outperform other rankers in the large data regime.

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TREC Deep Learning Track

April 24, 2024

The TREC Deep Learning Track studies information retrieval in a large training data regime. This is the case where the number of training queries with at least one positive label is at least in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or more. This corresponds to real-world scenarios such as training based on click logs and training based on labels from shallow pools (such as the pooling in the TREC Million Query Track or the evaluation of search engines based on early precision).