Parameter Efficient Multimodal Transformers for Video Representation Learning

  • Sangho Lee ,
  • Youngjae Yu ,
  • Gunhee Kim ,
  • Thomas Breuel ,
  • Jan Kautz ,
  • Yale Song

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) |

The recent success of Transformers in the language domain has motivated adapting it to a multimodal setting, where a new visual model is trained in tandem with an already pretrained language model. However, due to the excessive memory requirements from Transformers, existing work typically fixes the language model and train only the vision module, which limits its ability to learn cross-modal information in an end-to-end manner. In this work, we focus on reducing the parameters of multimodal Transformers in the context of audio-visual video representation learning. We alleviate the high memory requirement by sharing the weights of Transformers across layers and modalities; we decompose the Transformer into modality-specific and modality-shared parts so that the model learns the dynamics of each modality both individually and together, and propose a novel parameter sharing scheme based on low-rank approximation. We show that our approach reduces parameters up to 80%, allowing us to train our model end-to-end from scratch. We also propose a negative sampling approach based on an instance similarity measured on the CNN embedding space that our model learns with the Transformers. To demonstrate our approach, we pretrain our model on 30-second clips from Kinetics-700 and transfer it to audio-visual classification tasks.

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May 17, 2021

This repository contains the code and models for our ICLR 2021 paper: Parameter Efficient Multimodal Transformers for Video Representation Learning