Quadratic Form Expansions for Unitaries

  • Niel de Beaudrap ,
  • Vincent Danos ,
  • Elham Kashefi ,
  • Martin Roetteler

Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC'08) |


We introduce techniques to analyze unitary operations in terms of quadratic form expansions, a form similar to a sum over paths in the computational basis where the phase contributed by each path is described by a quadratic form over R.We show how to relate such a form to an entangled resource akin to that of the one-way measurement model of quantum computing. Using this, we describe various conditions under which it is possible to efficiently implement a unitary operation U, either when provided a quadratic form expansion for U as input, or by finding a quadratic form expansion for U from other input data.