The CSIRO Enterprise Search Test Collection

SIGIR Forum | , Vol 41(2): pp. 42-45

This article describes a new TREC Enterprise Track search test collection — CERC. The collection is designed to represent some real-world search activity within the enterprise, using as a specific example the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It has a deep crawl of CSIRO’s public-facing information, that is very similar to the crawl of a real-world search service provided by CSIRO. The search tasks are based on the activities of CSIRO Science Communicators, who are CSIRO employees that deal with public-facing information. Topics and judgments are tied to the Science Communicators in various ways, for example by involving them in the topic development process. The overall approach is to enhance the validity of the test collection as a model of enterprise search, by tying it to real-world examples.