Machine Learning for Auto-Segmentation in Radiotherapy Planning

The Royal College of Radiologists - Clinical Oncology | , Vol 34(2): pp. 74-88

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Manual segmentation of target structures and organs at risk is a crucial step in the radiotherapy workflow. It has the disadvantages that it can require several hours of clinician time per patient and is prone to inter- and intra-observer variability. Automatic segmentation (auto-segmentation), using computer algorithms, seeks to address these issues. Advances in machine learning and computer vision have led to the development of methods for accurate and efficient auto-segmentation. This review surveys auto-segmentation techniques and applications in radiotherapy planning. It provides an overview of traditional approaches to auto-segmentation, including intensity analysis, shape modelling and atlas-based methods. The focus, though, is on uses of machine learning and deep learning, including convolutional neural networks. Finally, the future of machine-learning-driven auto-segmentation in clinical settings is considered, and the barriers that must be overcome for it to be widely accepted into routine practice are highlighted.