// This file includes sentences from a number of sources, listed below, and sentences found in freely occurring text, as well as // sentences sent to us as personal communication. // For all of these sentences, the Logical Form component of NLPwin produces an analysis that is almost correct, but leaves one or two // aspects that need to be fixed before it can be vetted as "gold". There is a cryptic indication of what remains to be handled in a few // cases. Please contact Lucy Vanderwende (lucyv@microsoft.com) if you have any questions about a particular analysis. // // Sources include: // Dan Flickinger and John Nerbonne. 1992. Inheritance and Complementation. In Computational Linguistics, Vol 18, Number 3. // Coy C. Day, Jr. 1989. Filling Gaps in Declarative Sentences. Report for University of Texas, AI Laboratory, Dept of Computer Sciences. // Claudia Leacock and Ray C. Dougherty. Lexical Structures and Parser Strategies, Define the Subject of an Infinitive. // Gerald Gazdar. 1981. The Analysis of Unbounded Dependencies. Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Spring, 1981) // Anthony Kroch. article from Mathematics of Language - precise reference yet to be added //the one who ... Pat is the one who is eager to please Chris. Pat is the one who is eager to be pleased by Chris. Pat is an easy person to please. Pat is the one who is easy to please. Pat is the one who promises Chris to go to the store. There seems to be a storm brewing. It doesn't matter what you do. What you do doesn't matter. //these pairs should have identical LFs, I think It surprised me to hear him say that. To hear him say that surprised me. It makes her happy to see others enjoy themselves. To see others enjoying themselves makes her happy. // needs LCMP It was considered funny for us to say that. For us to say that was considered funny. //bad parse Which store does Pat promise Chris to go to? To which store does Pat prefer Chris to go? To which store does Pat promise Chris to go? // the time to Pat promises Chris the time to go to the store. Pat promises Chris a reward to go to the store. Pat promises Chris the time for going to the store. // cars win races Which car do you want to win in the race? // should be: he was good to advise me He was good enough to advise me. //johns needs to be Dsub of study It is easy for John to be passed without studying. // needs to have hero dsub who Who does it is a hero. She is someone you can depend on. // needs obvious tmeat We had fun in the mornings and in the evenings. // not sure what the relationship between melodious and listen to should be Sonatas are melodious to listen to. That was a melodious sonata to listen to. // X dsubof behold dobj room Dsub pigsty This room is a pigsty to behold. // did I make dinner or not? I helped make dinner. // should be same man He is the man I'm waiting for. John persuaded Mary to resign. // Tom, he should be DsubOf ride Riding a bike is fun for Tom. Riding his bike was fun. Tom thought riding his bike was fun. // pronoun anaphora // maybe not "john" His mother likes John. // should be on man1 This is the man John wrote about, he said. Mary likes the people she works with. She likes the people Mary works with. //wrong parse John likes him and so does Peter. John likes himself and so does Peter. The Department of Justice wants him, but John doesn't know it. Although no one told them so when they came, the Mennonites have learned since their arrival that they entered the US illegally. Those who can afford to, move to areas where taxes are lower. //coordination I told John that I didn't expect him to fail his exam, but I told Bill that I did. Every boy in Bill's class hoped that Mary would ask him out, but a boy in John's class knew that she would. Every boy in Janet's class hoped she would pass him, and I think she will. He thought he was going to buy her a present, and he would have. //pronoun anaphora John read everything which Bill believes he did. Chris succeeded more frequently than Pat believes he did. // vp anaphora John writes more books than Bill does articles. The University gives more money to the library for periodicals than it does for books. //"for journal" messes up the parallelism John wrote more for the journal about politics than he did about linguistics. // bad attachment John showed everything to Mary which he did to Bill. // should be everyone1 Mary argues about politics with everyone who she does about linguistics. // needs parallelism John reviewed the play for The Times shortly after Bill did for The Post. // vp anaphora John writes articles, and Bill does books. John gave a book to Mary, and Bill did a note to Rosa. Chris writes more letters to Pat than John does notes to Mary. //bad parse John spoke briefly about linguistics before Mary did. John spoke briefly about linguistics before Mary did about logic. //vp anaphora The girl will write a book about herself, and Mary might too. // missed himself John talked to him about himself, and Chris said that Pat will too. //vp anaph I've been meaning to fix that radio, but I haven't done it yet. //should be: that income tax is to be lower was on the news. It was on the news that income tax is to be lowered. //probably shouldn't be Dsub It is a shame that he came. It is a shame he came. // I am inclined ... I am inclined to take the opposite point of view. I am inclined this way. // needs NER Play angel from montgomery. I want to hear a Madonna song. I'd like to hear some pearl jam. I'd like to listen to something by Joe Jackson. Would you play a track composed by Bernstein. Play something conducted by Bernstein. Play a song that was written by Neil Young. Play the track with Bonnie Raitt as a backup singer. Play something that has Hammer as composer. How about some Mozart? I want to hear a piece from the Batman motion picture score. Play some Benny Goodman for me. Turn on a cd. Play Clapton's latest. Play a cd sung by Clapton. Play a cd which has Clapton as singer. Play a cd for which Clapton is the singer. Play a cd where Clapton is the singer. Play a song that came from Unplugged. Play a song that's on Unplugged. Play a song contained in Unplugged. Play a song included in Unplugged. //scope of yesterday Which CD did you play yesterday? Which CD did I ask you to play yesterday? Which CD did I ask you to bring me and play yesterday? Which CD did I ask you to continue to play yesterday?