An Interface to Support Multi-faceted Information Seeking and Targeted Relevance Feedback

In the seminar, I will describe a user study of a novel information seeking interface that provides support for multi-faceted information seeking and targeted relevance feedback. The user interface is based on a document ‘pile’ metaphor that allows a user to arrange retrieved documents in visible piles, label these piles according to various aspects/facets of their search, and request the system to find documents similar to those contained within piles. Two interfaces were devised to evaluate the pile metaphor and similarity searching and a within-subjects laboratory experiment with 24 subjects was conducted. Although we found no significant differences in retrieval effectiveness between interfaces, subjects showed a strong preference for the pile interface with similarity searching compared to the other without similarity searching. Results demonstrate some significant differences between usability assessments of each interface and in the interactions in which subjects engaged while they were seeking information. We believe these results provide some evidence in support of the efficacy and benefits of the ‘pile’ metaphor and of the integrated similarity search, based on relevance feedback

Speaker Details

Professor David Harper is a Research Professor in the School of Computing at The Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen, Scotland), where he leads the Information Retrieval and Interaction research group. He established the Smart Web Technologies Centre at the University in 2002, and was the Director of this Centre until recently. He has over 25 years experience in field of information retrieval, and has co-authored more than 60 refereed publications. His research interests include interactive information retrieval environments and tools, user-oriented evaluation, and applications of language modelling in information retrieval. He received a B.Sc.(Hons) in Computing Science from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and PhD in Computing Science from the University of Cambridge, UK.

David J. Harper
The Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen, Scotland)