Closing Keynote – eScience and the Fourth Paradigm: Supporting Data-centric Science

Speaker Details

Tony Hey is Professor of Computation at the University of Southampton and has been Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Science and Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at Southampton. From March 31st 2001, he has been seconded to the EPSRC and DTI as Director of the UK’s Core e-Science Programme. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the British Computer Society, the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Professor Hey is European editor of the journal ‘Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience’ and is on the organising committee of many international conferences.
Professor Hey has worked in the field of parallel and distributed computing since the early 1980’s. He was instrumental in the development of the MPI message-passing standard and in the Genesis Distributed Memory Parallel Benchmark suite. In 1991, he founded the Southampton Parallel Applications Centre that has played a leading technology transfer role in Europe and the UK in collaborative industrial projects. His personal research interests are concerned with performance engineering for Grid applications but he also retains an interest in experimental explorations of quantum computing and quantum information theory.
Tony Hey is also the author of two popular science books: ‘The Quantum Universe’ and ‘Einstein’s Mirror’. Most recently he edited the ‘Feynman Lectures on Computation’ for publication, and a companion volume entitled ‘Feynman and Computation’.

Tony Hey
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running

    • Portrait of Tony Hey

      Tony Hey