Inclusive Design

Can we make accessibility cheap and easy while not trivializing it or watering it down? Can we convince engineers, designers and decision makers to see the innovative potential in inclusive design? Can we make an innovative product that is elegantly accessible **at the alpha release?** Can we change the perception that accessibility is a tax? These are the questions I’ve been tackling throughout my career and now I have an opportunity to answer them from within Microsoft. I’ll talk about the journey that I’ve been on and where I hope to go.

Speaker Details

Wendy Chisholm is a strategist, author, activist and developer. She co-wrote “Universal Design for Web Applications” with Matt May (O’Reilly, 2008) and co-edited Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 and 2.0–the basis of most web accessibility policies throughout the world. She has appeared dressed as Wonder Woman in a web comic with the other HTML5 Super Friends and for one week in November 2009, she was the Seattle PI’s Geek of the Week. She’s worked with Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web, has a B.S. in Computer Science and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering. As of July 2010, she is a Senior Strategist for Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Group.

Wendy Chisholm
Microsoft Corporation
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running