MSPAC with Dr. Francis Slakey

Please join the MSPAC for lunch with Dr. Slakey, Friday, June 29th, noon-1pm in the Sonora room of the Microsoft Conference Center, building #33. Slakey will provide remarks, take your questions, and then sign copies of his book, available for sale at the event. Space is limited, please arrive early. Lunch will be provided to the first 60 MSPAC members in attendance.

Speaker Details

Francis Slakey is the Upjohn Lecturer on Physics and Public Policy and the Co-Director of the Program on Science in the Public Interest at Georgetown University. He is also the Associate Director of Public Affairs for the American Physical Society where he oversees all APS legislative activities, specializing in energy and security policy.
Dr. Slakey became the 28th American to summit Mt. Everest in an unguided expedition that was the subject of the movie “Beyond the Summit”. He is the first person in history to both summit the highest mountain on every continent and surf every ocean. In recognition of his adventures, as part of the 2002 Olympic Games, he carried the Olympic torch from the steps of the US Capitol. He is the author of the science/surfing/climbing memoir “To The Last Breath”.
Dr. Slakey received his PhD in Physics in 1992 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He has written widely on science policy issues, publishing more than fifty articles for the popular press including The New York Times, Washington Post, and Scientific American. He has served in advisory positions for a diverse set of organizations including the National Geographic, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Creative Coalition. He is a Fellow of the APS, a Fellow of the AAAS, a MacArthur Scholar, and a Lemelson Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution.

Dr. Francis Slakey
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running