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Microsoft Research Summit 2021 • Videos

Panel: The future of human-AI collaboration

The increase in productivity resulting from artificial intelligence (AI) has been revolutionary, but there is a risk of developing AI systems incorrectly. We have spent considerable energy expanding the capabilities of intelligent systems and less time considering what types of intelligent systems we should be building and how to partner with users to evolve them. Join us to hear this panel discuss how to provide people with agency where and when they need it. We cover how to co-evolve machine learning (ML) and product design to obtain data and improve productivity; ways to do this fairly and responsibly; and the opportunities and roles this unlocks for workers in the future.

Learn more about the 2021 Microsoft Research Summit: (opens in new tab)

Responsible AI
Aaron Halfaker, Charles Isbell, Jaime Teevan, Qian Yang
Microsoft Experiences and Devices, Georgia Institute of Technology, Microsoft, Cornell University