Panel “What do scientists really need to facilitate time to discovery”

Speaker Details

Jeff Dozier’s research and teaching interests are in the fields of snow hydrology, Earth system science, remote sensing, and information systems. He has pioneered interdisciplinary studies in two areas: one involves the hydrology, hydrochemistry, and remote sensing of mountainous drainage basins; the other is in the integration of environmental science and computer science and technology. In addition, he has played a role in development of the educational and scientific infrastructure. He founded UC Santa Barbara’s Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and served as its first Dean for six years. He was the Senior Project Scientist for NASA’s Earth Observing System in its formative stages when the configuration for the system was established. After receiving his PhD from the University of Michigan in 1973, he has been a faculty member at UCSB since 1974. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the UK’s National Institute for Environmental eScience. He is also an Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the NASA Public Service Medal.

Dr. Jeremy Frey is a Reader in the School of Chemistry at the University of Southampton, UK. He is committed to a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to chemical research. The interactions with Physics, The Opto-Electronics Research Centre (ORC), Electronics and Computer Science Departments have been particularly fruitful. His research is based on the use of laser spectroscopic techniques to probe molecular structure reactivity and dynamics and organization in a variety of environments from single molecules, molecular beam kinetics and photochemistry, to the study of interfaces and surfaces with interfacial non-linear spectroscopy. As part of his current research he is involved with the UK e-Science programme as PI of the CombeChem project looking at the ways in which e-Science and Grid infrastructure can be developed to provide support for and carry out chemical research, for example in Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) with the Smart Tea Project, generating and applying a “Semantic Chemical Grid” and applying Web 2.0 & Social Network ideas with Chemical Blogs and related technologies. Fundamental to the ideas of “Publication @ Source” for scientific data is his work on the interaction of e-print repositories with chemistry in the work on the e-Bank & e-Crystals projects. His most recent laser research, involving higher order non-linear effects, is as the PI of a Basic Technology project to generate a nanoscale ultra short pulse of x-ray source using ultrashort-pulsed lasers and fibre technology aimed at probing the shape of single large molecules of biological significance, such as enzymes, using x-ray scattering and x-ray spectroscopy. He is the chair of the UK e-Science User Group and in 2005/6 held a visiting Fellowship at the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications at ANU, Canberra.

Jeff Dozier, Jeremy Frey, Bryan Traynor, and George Djorgovski
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running