Reprogramming the American Dream: A conversation with Kevin Scott and J.D. Vance, moderated by Greg Shaw

From Rural America to Silicon Valley – Making AI Serve Us All

In this timely book written from the perspective of a technologist whose life started in rural America and wound its way to Silicon Valley, Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s Chief Technology Officer, tackles one of the most critical issues facing society today: the future of artificial intelligence and how it can realistically be used to serve the interests of everyone, not just the privileged few.

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About the author

Kevin Scott is executive vice president and chief technology officer of Microsoft and has held executive and engineering positions at LinkedIn and Google. He built and led the technology team of pioneering mobile advertising startup AdMob, which was acquired by Google in 2010. He has received a Google Founder’s Award, an Intel PhD Fellowship, and an ACM Recognition of Service Award. He is an adviser to several Silicon Valley start-ups, an active angel investor, the founder of the nonprofit organization Behind the Tech, the host of the Behind the Tech podcast, and an emeritus trustee of the Anita Borg Institute. Scott holds an MS in computer science from Wake Forest University and a BS in computer science from Lynchburg College, and has completed most of his PhD in computer science at the University of Virginia. A native of rural Virginia, he lives in Los Gatos, California, with his wife and two children.

Kevin Scott, J.D. Vance, Greg Shaw