Visual classification by a hierarchy of semantic fragments

We describe visual classification by a hierarchy of semantic fragments. In fragment-based classification, objects within a class are represented by common sub-structures selected during training. Here we propose two extensions to the basic fragment-based scheme. The first extension is the extraction and use of feature hierarchies. We describe a method that automatically constructs complete feature hierarchies from image examples, and show that features constructed hierarchically are significantly more informative and better for classification compared with similar non-hierarchical features. The second extension is the use of so-called semantic fragments to represent object parts. The goal of a semantic fragment is to represent the different possible appearances of a given object part. The visual appearance of such object parts can differ substantially, and therefore traditional image similarity-based methods are inappropriate for the task. We show how the method can automatically learn the part structure of a new domain, identify the main parts, and how their appearance changes across objects in the class. We discuss the implications of these extensions to object classification and recognition.

Joint work with Prof. Shimon Ullman.

Speaker Details

Boris Epshtein received his M.Sc degree in Physics (minors in computer Science) from the Novosibirsk State University in 1992. Since then, he worked in a number of hi-tech companies both in Russia and Israel, as a software engineer and algorithms developer. Currently, Boris works toward his Ph.D. degree in the weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, under the supervision of Prof. Shimon Ullman.The research interests of Boris Epshtein are in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Currently, he studies algorithms for feature selection for the classification of visual categories with minimal amount of supervision.

Boris Epshtein
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running