Wireless Network Coding for Multiple Unicast Sessions

A recent approach, COPE, for improving the throughput of unicast traffic in wireless multi-hop networks exploits the broadcast nature of the wireless medium through opportunistic network coding. In this work, we analyze throughput improvements obtained by COPE-type network coding in wireless networks from a theoretical perspective. We make two key contributions. First, we obtain a theoretical formulation for computing the throughput of network coding on any wireless network topology and any pattern of concurrent unicast traffic sessions. Second, we advocate that routing be made aware of network coding opportunities rather than, as in COPE, being oblivious to it. More importantly, our work studies the tradeoff between routing flows “close to each other” for utilizing coding opportunities and “away from each other” for avoiding wireless interference. Our theoretical formulation provides a method for computing source-destination routes and utilizing the best coding opportunities from available ones so as to maximize the throughput. We handle scheduling of broadcast transmissions subject to wireless transmit/receive diversity and link interference in our optimization framework.

Using our formulations, we compare the performance of traditional unicast routing and network coding with coding-oblivious and coding-aware routing on a variety of mesh network topologies, including some derived from contemporary mesh network testbeds. Our evaluations show that a route selection strategy that is aware of network coding opportunities leads to higher end-to-end throughput when compared to coding-oblivious routing strategies.

This work will appear in IEEE Infocom 2007 and is joint with Shravan Rayanchu and Suman Banerjee (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison).

Speaker Details

Sudipta Sengupta is currently at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies where he works on algorithms/optimization, system architecture, protocols, and software for data networking, wireless networking, and network security. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engg. & Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, and his B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engg. from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India. He was awarded the President of India Gold Medal at IIT-Kanpur for graduating at the top of his class across all disciplines. Dr. Sengupta has published numerous papers in conferences, journals, and technical magazines, and authored patents in the area of computer networking. He has taught advanced courses on networking at academic/research and industry conferences.

Sudipta Sengupta
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running

    • Portrait of Sudipta Sengupta

      Sudipta Sengupta

      Research Manager and Principal Researcher