This is the Trace Id: e85685a2bcb9f5a5fec177988149de86

Microsoft Rewards Magzter GOLD subscription

Frequently asked questions

  • Magzter is the world’s largest digital reading destination with over 75 million users since its inception in 2011 and thousands of magazines and newspapers. The magazines and newspapers can be read anytime and anywhere on iPad, iPhone, Android devices, and the web.

  • You will be getting Magzter’s premium unlimited reading subscription, Magzter GOLD, which offers unlimited access to 5,000+ gold magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages.

  • Your subscription is automatically renewed each month, as long as you have enough Microsoft Rewards points, and you will be notified via email. No action needed!

  • You can visit to manage your subscription.

  • If you cancel in the first month, you can read until the end of the subscription term.

  • If you don’t have enough points, your subscription will be suspended and you will be notified via email.

  • The 3,000 points required for renewal are deducted each month at the time of Magzter subscription renewal.

  • You can check your points balance on

  • You may earn Rewards points by engaging with Bing and other Microsoft products! As soon as you have enough, you can re-activate your subscription by logging into Magzter Subscription Hub and clicking “Redeem now – 3,000 points”. Once cancelled, the subscription will not auto-renew even with enough Rewards points.

  • Your auto-redeem and redemption goals are unaffected. The auto-redeem and Magzter subscription will renew at their respective dates; they do not renew at the same time. Each one has its own time of renewal and will renew if there are enough points.

  • You can check your renewal date and manage your subscription here.

  • Your other auto-redemption will be unaffected.

  • If you are a Give with Bing member, the points you earn while Give with Bing is turned on can only be used for donation. They do not apply to the Magzter subscription. If you have existing Rewards points available in your account (points that were earned while Give with Bing is turned off), you can use them to subscribe to Magzter.

  • There’s no other way to manually renew your subscription with Microsoft Rewards points, but you can always visit and pay with a credit card.

  • Please visit and log in to your Magzter account to know the validity of your subscription.

  • Yes, you can share your Magzter GOLD subscription with up to 4 family members. Please visit and log in to your Magzter account to share your subscription.

Queries can be forwarded to Microsoft Rewards support