This is the Trace Id: 5fe204e9a08ffdc79f4513b209d060a8

Open Source Software Supply Chain Threats

Open source is extremely beneficial to software development to expedite developer productivity and innovation. However, cyber attacks targeting open source are on the rise, and open source is a critical aspect of any software supply chain. Below is a list of real-life threats to open source software. Each threat is linked to a real security incident. Our framework provides the support to protect your supply chains and prevent threats like these from compromising your organization's software and development environment.

Comprehensive compilation of OSS supply chain threats

Threats Real examples Mitigation via OSS SSC Framework Framework requirement reference
Accidental vulnerabilities in OSS code or Containers that we inherit

Automated patching, display OSS vulnerabilities as pull requests

UPD-2, UPD-3

Intentional vulnerabilities/backdoors added to an OSS code base

Perform proactive security review of OSS 


A malicious actor compromises a known good OSS component and adds malicious code into the repo

Ability to block ingestion via malware scan, single feed, all packages are scanned for malware prior to download

ING-3, ENF-2, SCA-4

A malicious actor creates a malicious package that is similar in name to a popular OSS component to trick developers into downloading it 

OSS provenance analysis, single feed, all packages are scanned for malware prior to download 

AUD-1, ENF-2, SCA-4

A malicious actor compromises the compiler used by the OSS during build, adding backdoors 

Rebuilding OSS on trusted build infrastructure ensures that packages don’t have anything injected at build time


Dependency confusion, package substitution attacks

Single feed, securely configure your package source mapping 

ENF-1, ENF-2

An OSS component adds new dependencies that are malicious 

All packages are scanned for malware prior to download, single feed

SCA-4, ENF-2

The integrity of an OSS package is tampered after build, but before consumption

Digital signature or hash verification, SBOM validation

AUD-3, AUD-4

Upstream source can be removed or taken down which can then break builds that depend on that OSS component or container

Use package-caching solutions, mirror a copy of OSS source code to an internal location for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) scenarios 

ING-2, ING-4

OSS components reach end-of-support/end-of-life and therefore don’t patch vulnerabilities 

Scan OSS to determine if it is at end-of-life


Vulnerability not fixed by upstream maintainer in desired timeframe

Implement a change in the code to address a zero-day vulnerability, rebuild, deploy to your organization, and confidentially contribute the fix to the upstream maintainer.


Bad actor compromises a package manager account (e.g. npm), with no change to the corresponding open source repo, and uploads a new malicious version of a package

OSS provenance analysis, single feed, scan OSS for malware

AUD-1, ENF-2, SCA-4