The February 2020 release of Azure Data Studio is now available

We are excited to share that the February release of Azure Data Studio is now available.

Download Azure Data Studio and review the Release Notes to get started.

Note: After downloading Azure Data Studio, say Yes to enabling preview features so that you can use extensions.

Azure Data Studio is a multi-database, cross-platform desktop environment for data professionals using the family of on-premises and cloud data platforms on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. To learn more, visit our Github.

The key highlights to cover this month include:

  • Improved Azure sign in support.
  • Find in Notebook support.
  • Visual Studio Code merge to 1.42.
  • Bug fixes.

For complete updates, refer to the Release notes.

Improved Azure sign in support

As we continue to add additional support to make it easier to work with Azure Data services, it is important that we make the Azure Sign-In experience as easy as possible. In previous releases, users would need to copy and paste a device code in order to sign-in to Azure through Azure Data Studio. However, users reported that this was not ideal, as captured in this Github issue.

With the February release, you now have a simplified Azure sign-in experience.

showcasing the Azure sign in process

After clicking on the sign-in button, a web browser will pop up where you can log in with your Azure account. After that, simply close the window and you are now connected to Azure Data Studio with your Azure account. It’s just that simple.

If you have any feature requests or run into bugs, let us know on our Github issues page.

Find in Notebook support

With the growing popularity of notebooks, notebook content continues to become richer and more complex, making it imperative that users can easily find information within a notebook.

With the February release, you can now use a common pattern to find text and code within a single notebook.

Showcasing the Find feature

To get started, you will need to press Ctrl+F or CMD + F to pull up the Find menu, and then type the text you are looking for. This should make it as easy to find lines of text similar to finding within an editor.

If you have any feedback about this find in notebook experience, let us know on our Github issues page.

Visual Studio Code November release merge 1.42

We continue to make merges with Visual Studio Code to give you the latest updates coming from Visual Studio Code. With the February release, we have updated from Visual Studio Code 1.38 to 1.42.

To see the full list of changes, you can check the Visual Studio Code monthly release notes:

Bug fixes

If you would like to help make Azure Data Studio a great product, share any feedback or report issues through our issues page. Our engineering team is regularly going through the untriaged issues and assigning issues into different monthly milestones so that you can know we are working on it. Your votes on issues helps us prioritize what to work on next.

A full list of bug fixes for the February release can be found here.

Contact us

If you have any feature requests or issues, please submit to our Github issues page. For any questions, feel free to comment below or tweet us at @AzureDataStudio.