Modernize your SQL Server at the PASS Summit 2018

Each year thousands of data professionals make the annual visit to Seattle, Washington for the Professional Association for SQL Server Summit. This is a community driven organization and event but Microsoft has been a major contributor, sponsor, and part of this summit since its inception. This is the second post in a series leading up to the PASS Summit 2018, to learn more about the keynotes you can reference the most recent post Join us at PASS Summit 2018 – Nov 6-9, 2018.

This year myself and other members of the Microsoft SQL Server Engineering and support teams will be at the PASS Summit again in a major way with keynotes, a pre-conference session, conference sessions, theater sessions, a great booth, and the always popular Data Clinic.

We have already received great interested in our pre-conference session called Modernize Your SQL Server with Bob Ward, the Tiger Team, and CSS Escalation Engineers on Tuesday, November 6th. You can read more about this session at the PASS Summit Session webpage.

Whether you have registered or not, it is not too late to register for this pre-conference seminar. It has been awhile since I have participated in a pre-conference seminar at the PASS Summit. I’m excited what this one is about. We know that many of our customers are still using legacy releases of SQL Server like 2005, 2008, and 2008R2. If you are in this situation and wondering should I make the move to something new, something more modern, then this session is for you.

This session is not just an upgrade session! Sure we will show you how to migrate but our intention is to provide you with everything you need on how to modernize. Now you can learn the capabilities of SQL Server 2016, 2017, 2019, SQL Server on Linux, containers, Azure Virtual Machine, and Azure SQL Database in a way to know what features make a migration compelling. Our day also includes pre and post migration advice to maximize your investments and architectural guidance for key areas like performance, security, and HADR (the “meat and potatoes” of SQL Server).

The team of folks I have lined up to train you this day is nothing short of amazing. Every person that will be there to train you all have extensive customer experience and practical knowledge. This includes members of the Tiger Team such as Amit Banerjee, Pam Lahoud, Pedro Lopes, Argenis Fernandez, Sourabh Agarwal, and Vin Yu. In addition, we want you to be able to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with new technologies in a modern way so I’m bringing in some of the top talent of CSS including Suresh Kandoth and Sean Gallardy. It will be a packed day but also an opportunity when you can talk to us 1:1 about your SQL Server installation base and what and how modernization will help you.

You will walk away from this session with the resources you need including all of our content and demo scripts and examples. We look forward to everyone coming to this session and I would love to meet each and every one of you personally to talk about your modernization plans for SQL Server.

Stay tuned for future blog posts where I’ll show you the other great session and content the Microsoft SQL Server team has available at the PASS 2018 Summit.