SQL Server Training at its Best: Join us in Dallas for PASS SQLRally 2012

With PASS SQLRally Dallas just a month away, Microsoft SQL Server Senior Marketing Manager and PASS Director Jennifer Moser talked with PASS President Bill Graziano about what to expect at the May 10-11, 2012 conference focusing on all things SQL Server.

Jennifer: Who should attend PASS SQLRally, and how would you describe the event to someone not familiar with it?

Bill: If you’re looking for high-quality, affordable SQL Server training that will have immediate payback in terms of practical solutions and expert contacts, SQLRally is the event for you.

Our US SQLRally is in Dallas, Texas, this year. And the North Texas SQL Server Users Group (NTSSUG), with the support of all our South Central Region PASS Chapters, has put together an excellent roster of industry experts, Microsoft MVPs, and Microsoft SQLCAT and CSS team members to help you learn and connect. In the end, SQLRally is really about best practices and effective troubleshooting – helping you work smarter, save your company money, and build a better SQL Server environment.

Jennifer: How many attendees are you expecting, and what are some highlights you’re looking forward to?

Bill: We’re expecting 500 die-hard SQL Server pros at SQLRally, and I’m expecting to face a lot of hard choices: How many of the 60 top technical sessions can I fit in? How much time can I devote to discussing my questions with members of the Microsoft SQLCAT and CSS teams at the SQL Server Clinic? And when exactly will I catch any sleep with all the after-hours networking activities on tap?

Jennifer: In addition to the sessions in the main conference program, SQLRally also has 2 days of pre-conference seminars May 8-9.

Bill: Yes, we’re kicking off SQLRally with 7 full-day pre-conference seminars before the conference starts. Talk about tough choices – every one of these workshops is a must-see. To help people decide which ones they want to attend, we’ve put together a Q&A series with our presenters that give attendees a sneak peak at what they’ll be learning. Each pre-con costs $219 – really a bargain for the opportunity to spend 7 hours with any of these experts and fantastic teachers.

Jennifer: I can’t wait to connect up with the SQLRally attendees, speakers, and PASS volunteers in Dallas, but PASS also has a lot going on in the next month for SQL Server pros in other parts of the world.

Bill: Absolutely – in fact 24 Hours of PASS – Russia is tomorrow, April 12, and PASS SQLRally Moscow is this Saturday, April 14. We also have a free PASS SQLSaturday tour across Australia and New Zealand April 12-April 28, hitting Brisbane, Wellington (New Zealand), Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, and Perth – not to mention events in Rio de Janeiro, Costa Rica, and Johannesburg. It’s a wonderful, busy time in the SQL Server community.

Jennifer: It’s exciting to see all the enthusiasm around SQL Server and community learning around the world. Thanks for sharing about these upcoming events.

Bill: Great talking with you, Jennifer. Looking forward to seeing you and all our #sqlfamily members at SQLRally Dallas – it’s going to be a fun time!