Take the Journey into 2012 at SQL Server Connections (Mar 26-29)

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SQL Server Connections is happening next week (March 26 – March 30) in Las Vegas and Microsoft is honored to be a Platinum Sponsor of the event. It will be an action packed week starting with the pre-con workshops on Sunday and Monday, with Shawn Bice’s Keynote on Monday evening. Tuesday is “Microsoft Day at the event, followed by sessions from industry experts on Wednesday and Thursday, and finishing with a couple post-con workshops on Friday. Check out the detailed Schedule (PDF) and plan out your week. For a few different pivots, check out the webpages for speakers, sessions, and workshops (March 25-26 and March 30).

To get a head start on the socialization make sure to follow @devconnections on Twitter and use hashtag: #SQLconnections.

Additional information can be found on Facebook at:

Be sure to read the SQL Server 2012 Early Adoption Cook Book courtesy of the Microsoft Data Platform Evangelism Team. They have compiled a lot of great content for you to explore.

Here are some links to great SQL Server blogs to help you brush up on SQL Server before rubbing elbows with some of the experts: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/bb671052.