As of July 9, 2024, SQL Server 2014 has reached its end of support. Many of our customers, including Scandinavian Airlines, have begun transitioning their SQL workloads to Microsoft Azure or are updating to SQL Server 2022.
SQL Server backup compression provides the compressed backup option for all streaming SQL Server backup types—full, differential, and transaction log.
Data Platform Virtual Summit 2022 (DPS 2022), a free global learning event for data professionals, is just a few weeks away running from September 19–23.
We are pleased to introduce you to ledger, a new technology that uses the power of blockchain to offer a tamper-proof record of data modifications. Currently in Azure SQL, this feature is also part of the SQL Server 2022 release.
Many organizations have either moved or extended their SQL Server operations from an on-premises data center into Azure. There are many reasons why you might be considering this move for your organization as well. Hosting SQL Server on Azure lets you flexibly scale as needed well beyond what’s possible in the physical data center.