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Microsoft Translator Blog

Multilingual App Toolkit 3.1 Launched – Localize Your App, Extend Your Reach

Today, the Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) team announced the release of MAT 3.1. The Multilingual App Toolkit integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio to provide Windows Store apps and Windows Phone apps with translation support powered, translation file management, and editor tools powered by Microsoft Translator. This release provides several key fixes as well as new and improved features including: Visual….

Yammer Localization Updates Powered by Microsoft Translator

There are some exciting new changes happening in the world of Social Enterprise. Earlier today Yammer announced key localization updates across its web client, mobile apps, and the Yammer Success Center, that will improve communication within your organization. Yammer is taking localization a step further following last year’s announcement of localization support and is introducing message translation in both the iOS and….