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Microsoft Translator Blog

Microsoft Translator Now Supports 50 Languages with the Additions of Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Zagreb, Croatia Belgrade, Serbia   We are happy to announce that have added three new languages– Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian to our list of supported languages. This brings the total number of languages supported by Microsoft Translator to 50! Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian are welcome additions to the list of Microsoft Translator’s supported languages. Although similar….

Translator Solutions in Action: Internet Explorer

  Team: Internet Explorer Solution: Customer Support The Internet Explorer (IE) team at Microsoft uses the Microsoft Translator API to translate non-English customer reports from around the world, allowing them to resolve customer issues faster and more effectively. The API has also improved IE’s ability to triage customer comments and conduct data mining on text that is not written in….

Simplicity is Possible in a Multi-Lingual, Omni Channel Support World

The following is a guest post by the Microsoft Translator Partner, Lionbridge Technologies, who developed GeoFluent as a solution to address the challenge of real-time translation of user generated content leveraging the Microsoft Translator automatic translation service and customization capabilities of the Translator Hub. Let’s face it: customers appreciate simplicity. Nothing saves an angry customer from becoming an ex-customer like….