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Microsoft Translator Blog

Microsoft Translator Releases Apps for Apple Watch and Android Wear


Talking with Your Hands Never Made So Much Sense

When you encounter someone who doesn’t speak the same language as you, communication can certainly be a challenge— it often involves a lot of pointing and arm waving. Microsoft Translator’s apps for Apple Watch and Android Wear finally make talking with your hands something useful. The apps let you translate on-the-go without having to fumble for a phone, making translation quicker and easier and making your communication more seamless and personal.You can download the Translator apps for Apple Watch or Android Wear now by going here.

Our researchers are continuously looking at the most effective ways to bring down linguistic barriers by solving significant technical and interaction design challenges. Today, we have a number of ways in which Microsoft Translator is accessible to our users— on the web, as part of your search experience, through many experiences built by our developer community, via Office and more. Most recently we worked closely with our friends in Skype to deliver an entirely new interaction model for translation by enabling long distance real-time speech translation. Like we did with Skype Translator, we have been thinking about how wearable technology might affect language and translation experiences. The new wearable apps we are releasing today are part of this exploration.

Wearables are a fascinating place to understand user experiences for translation. No other type of device allows people to interact with so little physical intrusion from the device itself— PC’s, tablets, and even phones can be occasionally awkward and unnatural in the middle of a conversation. With these smart devices, we want to learn how people use the apps and how effective the translation experiences can be. By integrating translation capabilities into devices that are instantly on hand (pun intended), we hope to continue to break down the last barrier in human communication— language.

With the Microsoft Translator apps for Apple Watch and Android Wear you can:

  • Speak into your watch to get instant translations in all of the languages supported by Microsoft Translator.
  • Make translation even faster by pinning your most commonly used translations to your screen for easy access.
  • Browse your translation history to find recently used words and phrases.
  • Adjust your device’s settings with companion apps for your iPhone or Android smartphone.

The companion apps also let you translate when you don’t have your watch, and supports voice and text translation in all the languages supported by Microsoft Translator.

Microsoft is releasing the Translator apps together with two other productivity apps for wearables— Yammer and Outlook. They join a growing list of Microsoft apps for Apple Watch and Android Wear, including OneNote, OneDrive, PowerPoint, Sunrise, and Wunderlist. Learn more about all of these wearable apps.

Your feedback is incredibly important as we explore this new mode of interaction, and we have setup a special forum for you to interact with our team and provide feedback, suggestions, and comments. We would love to hear from you!

Download Translator apps for Apple Watch or Android Wear

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