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Microsoft Translator Blog

Social BI Guest Blog – Buzzlogix: The Future of Business Engagement on Social Media

The following is a guest post by Buzzlogix, creators of a social media management, monitoring, and engagement platform. Buzzlogix has multiplied the capabilities of its social BI analysis tools by integrating the Microsoft Translator API into its platform; it is able to automatically convert foreign language posts into a single language for analysis.

It’s near impossible to keep up with the millions of posts, tweets and messages your customers and prospects are sending out every second. How can a business keep up? We, at Buzzlogix, was founded by Scott Sims and Niko Makris. We discovered businesses were missing out on key opportunities to listen and engage with their audience. The light bulb moment went off and we hit the ground running to change how businesses can use social media.

“We make social listening, engagement, and publishing easy and within reach,” says Sims.

We asked ourselves in 2014, “Why isn’t there an easier and more efficient way to track all social media platforms, listen and respond faster.”

We’ve all had an issue with a business so we tweeted to them the problem…and they didn’t respond! Businesses aren’t listening!

“We saw there was not a good, unified solution for the mid-market without paying an arm and a leg,” Sims concluded.

Buzzlogix was born.

Buzzlogix is your digital set of “headphones” you virtually plug into a social network and see:

  • What others are saying about YOUR brand
  • Prospects who need and search for your solution and but haven’t found you.
  • What your competitors are doing.

It doesn’t just stop at traditional social media platforms, our technology taps into over 50 Million sources including: blogs, forums, news and discussion posts.

We knew were taking on some heavy-hitters such as Hootsuite and Buffer, but our competitors don’t provide anything close to what Buzzlogix’s technology gathers.

“Most of the solutions on the market lack the social listening and the deep learning functionality,” says Sims.

The technology to tap into over 50 million social networks, gather relevant data about your ideal customer (including demographics and even purchasing behavior) is a massive money and time saver for any business.

Imagine your business getting automated notifications for:

  • Mentions of your brand,
  • Buzzwords from potential customers
  • Complaints about your competitor you can fulfill.

You can respond in mere seconds.

Social media suddenly becomes more than just a tool to shout your message.

From the Buzzlogix dashboard, you easily can hear in your customer’s words what their needs, wants and desires are. This guides your marketing team. Tracking keywords prospects post helps your sales team. Responding in seconds to your customer helps your brand overall.

We realized we post to social networks for one reason: To Be Heard. When you show you heard and engaged with them, not as a faceless business, but a caring listener, you’ve just won a lifelong customer.

Recently, we joined the Microsoft Bizspark program early on and are excited to be using the Bing Search API and the Microsoft Translator API within the Buzzlogix technology.

Bizspark tools have helped get our Buzzlogix team out of our heads and out into the world. It’s put them way ahead of their competitors in less than 2 years. We can now leverage language detection and translation services for over 50 languages right inside our application with Microsoft Translator API. Our customers love the option to be able to translate social media comments and posts back into their native language. This helps social media teams pull insights from markets all over the world

This is the future for social media in businesses. Your business won’t need to bang your head against the wall wondering what to post. In a couple clicks, you can see what your customers want to know and what they need.

Our Buzzlogix technology brings the “social” aspect BACK into social media with our three step approach: Listening, Analyzing, and Engaging.

It’s automated on one user interface and simple to plug into your team right away.

Customers and prospects simply want to be heard and engaged with and Buzzlogix makes it easier than anyone else.

We plan to release our product for commercial use in the 1Q of 2016. For more information visit (