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Microsoft Translator Blog

Language Can Make the Difference Between Good and Great Customer Service

The following is a guest post by the Microsoft Translator Partner, Lionbridge Technologies, who developed GeoFluent as solution to address the challenge of real-time translation of user generated content leveraging the Microsoft Translator automatic translation service and customization capabilities of the Translator Hub. —————————————- It’s the middle of the night in China, and you are still at the office, working on….

New Auto-refill Feature in Windows Azure Marketplace

An easy way to subscribe to the Translator API is through the Windows Azure Marketplace , as evidenced by the thousands of developers subscribing to the service through the marketplace. The team just added an often asked for feature – Auto-refill. This feature addresses a key request from many Translator API customers who wanted to (a) more tightly control their monthly pre-committed subscription level and (b) not run out of volume….

Celebrating International Mother Language Day with the Launch of New Languages & Features

Today Microsoft celebrates the International Mother Language Day alongside UNESCO, with the goal to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism across the world. Advancements in technology to support and preserve languages create greater awareness of the linguistic and cultural traditions celebrated throughout the world, which in turn promote understanding, tolerance, and dialogue. With the proliferation of digital content on the web,….

Say hello to performance & security

Over the last few months, while our data and languages specialists have been continuing their focus on improving language coverage and quality, the rest of the team doubled down on performance, infrastructure and bug fixing. After the big release at MIX we took the next release as an opportunity to focus on ensuring a strong foundation which can support the….

MIX MIX MIX… and some late night goodies

It’s nearly midnight in Seattle. The team is heads down in preparing the service for MIX 2010… I am sitting in the office wondering which of my 100 to-do items I should tackle next. So, naturally, I do something that’s not on that list. Something fun. 🙂 As I mentioned in my earlier post, MIX is our favorite conference and….

Download the Microsoft Translator installer for Microsoft Office

Now you can translate your Microsoft Office documents with Microsoft Translator – right within Office! You can translate words, phrases, or even your entire document, through the Research task pane. We blogged about setting this up manually for Office 2007 or Office 2003 previously – now it’s really easy!   This works for both Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007. The….

Translation User Experience: Guest Blog

Andrea Jessee is the Senior Program Manager on the Microsoft Translator team in charge of the user experience.  Today’s guest blog is how the team thinks about user experience with translation.  Creating a better user experience We have shown the suite of Microsoft Translation services at various shows and tech events. The number one question we get is: Show me….

Office 2003 setup instructions (updated)

Update: Check out the new installer you can download to make this really easy!    Following up on last week’s post on the integration of translation into Office, here are the instructions to set it up in Office 2003, for our users who do not have Office 2007.  1) Open the task pane First bring up the task pane by selecting “Task….

Office document translation (updated)

Update: Check out the new installer you can download to make this really easy!     Windows Live Translator is now integrated into Office!  One of the top features that our users ask for is simple integration of translation into Office, to translate a document quickly.  The feature is really easy to use, and you can translate a block of text or an….

Hello from MSR-MT’s new blogger!

Thanks for the intro, Vikram!  I’m the new marketing communications manager for the Machine Translation team in MSR, and I’m really excited to be a part of the team!  I’m looking forward to sharing some of the great new improvements to the service that the team is working on, as well as hearing comments from the readers of this blog.   A….