It is recommended that an application or website using machine translations performed by Translator display attribution in order to make users aware that the text or speech has used machine translation and to help direct user feedback.
If attribution is used, it must adhere to the guidelines below.
Nomenclature and usage
Official name of the service:
- Text translation: Translator
- Speech translation: Speech service
Attribution guidelines
Text Translation Attribution
- Use the provided Microsoft logo as supplied in full color
- The logo must appear with the appropriate text
- Use Translated from language by [logo] for translations where the source language is not obvious
- Use Translated by [logo] when the source language is known (e.g. a translation app where the user selects the source language)
- The Translated by text should be translated to the audience language
- The attribution (text and logo) should link to
- The readability of the attribution must not be obscured
- The attribution must comply with clear space requirements
Speech Translation Attribution
- Use the provided Microsoft logo as supplied in full color for all speech attribution
- When translation is displayed on a screen, display attribution on the screen
- When translation is not displayed on a screen, display attribution on the About/Help web page
- The attribution (text and logo) should link to
- The readability of the attribution must not be obscured
- The attribution must comply with clear space requirements
Translator attribution
Customers and partners should use the following attribution next to the translated text. The text and logo will link to:
When the source language is not defined or clear to the user
Note: The preferred usage is to translate all words except the logo into the target language
When the source language is obvious or user selected
Note: The preferred usage is to translate “Translated by” into the target language, if appropriate, given the context
Additional uses
If, for technical, business, legal or user experience reasons the attribution requirements cannot be displayed in the manner described, please contact the Translator team to investigate potential alternatives.