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On Premises

The On-Premises Microsoft Translator Edition is a web services API enterprise solution provided by Microsoft Consulting Services that performs fast, automated, high-quality text translations behind your corporate firewall. This allows customers with extremely confidential needs or without Internet connectivity to retain their data inside their own environment as it is processed by the Translator engine.

Microsoft Services offers this on-premises solution as a yearly subscription service that includes the design, deployment, and periodic update of the Translator service, which also includes updates to the language models. The web service is deployed on customer furnished hardware, providing that it meets the minimum system requirements outlined below.

The service provides equivalent text translations with the public Internet-hosted system, including the following:

  • Text translations between any of the supported languages and dialects, the same language coverage and quality as the online version.
  • Web-service APIs (REST) with an online Software Development Kit (SDK), allowing customers to build their own translation-enabled business applications.

View and download the On-Premises Microsoft Translator Edition datasheet.

Minimum System Requirements

The On-Premises Microsoft Translator Edition can be deployed in a variety of ways to meet customer requirements. The minimum specifications for a single-server deployment (e.g., no high-availability, deployed in a single location) are included below. Microsoft Consulting Services provides the specifications for building out the environment and assisting in the different configurations, to assist in creating the best design to meet your corporate needs.

Minimum Operating System

  • Windows Server (current version)

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • Total Real Cores = 32
  • Total RAM = 384 GB *
  • C: 2x 1.8TB Mirrored
    • Drive should equal total RAM, plus 100GB to allow for crash dumps
  • D: 3x 1.8TB RAID 5 to allow for both growth of the language models and easy roll-forward and roll-back procedures.

* Note: Due to a new compression in our language models, total size of the files / languages has decreased. Microsoft is recommending Total RAM of 384 GB, with the ability / capacity of adding additional RAM (10% annually, if required), to allow for increase file size of our language models due to updates being applied on a regular basis.

We will update this page as requirements change and recommend checking this page and/or contacting your Translator support team when procuring server(s) for Translator to ensure they meet Microsoft’s recommendations.

Subscription Pricing

The On-Premises Microsoft Translator Edition is sold as a 12-month subscription that includes design, deployment and periodic updates to the runtime engine. The total for the subscription service is $310,000.00 USD; Volume Pricing is available. If the subscription is not renewed at the end of the 12-month contract period, the software and its components will be removed and deleted by Microsoft Consulting Services, except for any custom applications or data that were provided or developed by the customer during the subscription.

Translation Features

On-Premises Microsoft Translator Edition offers text to text translation functionality and supports the Translation, Transliteration, language Detect, BreakSentence, and Language methods. The Dictionary method is not supported in the on-premises edition. Document Translation and Custom Translator features are not available on-premises.

Contact Us

To learn more about the On-Premises Microsoft Translator Edition offering by Microsoft Services and how it can solve your sensitive corporate translation needs, please contact us.

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This service is part of Azure AI Services