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Machine translation can be used in a broad range of scenarios that address multilingual needs. With its intrinsically scalable and cost-effective nature, machine translation enables multi-language support for content, applications, and processes that would not be possible with human translation.

Here is a small sampling of other use case scenarios for Translator:

  • Translation Services solutions for professional translators and language service providers
  • Field-personnel mobile applications, such as for first responders, field technicians, etc.
  • Field sales support in multilingual communities and regions
  • Personal, internal, or nonprofit blogs or websites
  • Hobbyist applications, desktop or mobile, with the free 2M-characters/month subscription
  • Academic or research institutions where multilingual collaboration is essential
  • Community engagement efforts in multilingual communities
  • Public school districts and K-12 schools with multilingual populations
  • Multilingual search solutions
  • Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios (digital signage, etc.)

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This service is part of Azure AI Services