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Trust Center

Security and privacy in the age of AI

Microsoft enables trustworthy AI by prioritizing security, privacy, and safety. Learn more about the commitments we’ve made to ensure your data is safeguarded, our practices are transparent, and your rights are protected.

Trust is at the core of what we do


The Microsoft Secure Future Initiative

See how we’re putting security above all else to defend our customers and community.

Our commitment to you

We're transparent about our policies, practices, and technologies that secure your data across Microsoft.
  1. You control your data. 
  2. We're clear about where it’s located and how it’s used. 
  3. We secure data at rest and in transit. 
  4. We defend your data.



Our standards for your assurance

We adhere to rigorous compliance standards to ensure your organization meets evolving global regulatory requirements. We offer comprehensive tools and certifications for simplified compliance management and seamless industry alignment.

Safety is fundamental to trust

We are dedicated to creating a safer digital world for everyone. Our comprehensive approach to safety is an integral part of our trust commitment, offering advanced tools and resources that empower users to navigate the online environment securely.

Trust isn’t something you count on, it’s something you have to earn.

Brad Smith, Vice Chair and President, Microsoft

Dive deeper into trust

Microsoft Compliance

Compliance offerings

Maintain compliance in the cloud with help from a comprehensive set of more than 90 offerings.

Law enforcement data requests

View the number of requests for customer data we receive from law enforcement agencies.

US national security orders report

View statistics about demands received from the US government pursuant to national security laws.
White paper

International export controls

Get an overview of international export control laws and regulations and Microsoft Office 365.

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