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Microsoft Security Intelligence
Published Jan 24, 2023 | Updated May 17, 2023


Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Aliases: No associated aliases


This detection is for the loader portion of Rhadamanthys which establishes a connection to a hard-coded command-and-control (C2) server. After the connection is established, the information stealing module of Rhadamanthys is downloaded and launched.

Microsoft Defender Antivirus automatically removes threats as they are detected. However, many infections can leave remnant files and system changes. Updating your antimalware definitions and running a full scan might help address these remnant artifacts.

Stop any launch of rundll32.exe with the DLL name nsis_uns[6 random chracter].dll.

You can also visit our advanced troubleshooting page or search the Microsoft virus and malware community for more help.

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