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Updated on Aug 08, 2008

Windows Defender detects and removes this threat. 

This threat is a rogue security program that displays misleading alerts regarding computer problems or falsely reports detections of malicious files on the affected machine. It does so to attempt to convince users to purchase rogue security software.
These are programs that generate misleading alerts and false detections to convince users to purchase illegitimate security software.  Some of these programs, such as this threat and Program:Win32/FakeRednefed, might display product names or logos in an apparently unlawful attempt to impersonate Microsoft products.  These products may represent themselves as “Antivirus XP”, “AntivirusXP 2008”, “WinDefender 2008”, “XP Antivirus”, or similar.

Find out ways that malware can get on your PC.  

Alert level: high