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Microsoft Security Intelligence
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Updated on May 22, 2012
Alert level: severe
Updated on Oct 20, 2016

Windows Defender detects and removes this threat.

You should also update your software to be fully protected.

This threat is a type of malware which tries to infect your computer with other malware, such as trojans and viruses.

It belongs to the Blacole family of malware, which together are known as the Blacole (or "Blackhole") exploit kit. 

See our page about exploits and learn how to update common software.

When you visit a malicious or compromised website, Blacole scans your computer for vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your software. It then uses those vulnerabilities to download malware onto your computer:

Typically, the Blacole exploit kit attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in applications such as Oracle Java, Sun Java, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader.

Alert level: severe
Updated on Jul 24, 2013

Windows Defender detects and removes this threat.

Exploit:JS/Coolex.D is script contained within an exploit pack known as the "Cool exploit kit". It can install arbitrary malware on your computer through exploiting software vulnerabilities in Java version 7, update 17 and earlier.

As the Cool exploit kit and the Blacole exploit kit share malicious web page patterns and exploits, in some instances you might see Exploit:JS/Blacole detected on your computer alongside Exploit:JS/Coolex.D

Alert level: severe
Updated on May 01, 2016

Windows Defender detects and removes this family of threats.

You should also update your software to be fully protected.

The Blacole exploit pack tries to infect your PC with other malware, such as trojans and viruses. It also known as "Blackhole".

See our page about exploits and learn how to update common software.

When you visit a malicious or compromised website, Blacole scans your PC for vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your software.

You might visit the website from a link or attachment in an email, or from a previously safe website that has been hacked.

The threat uses those vulnerabilities it has found on your PC to download malware onto your PC:

Typically, the Blacole exploit kit attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in applications such as Oracle Java, Sun Java, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader.

Alert level: severe
Updated on Oct 16, 2013

Windows Defender Antivirus detects and removes this threat. 

This threat runs on your PC when you visit a hacked or malicious webpage and you are using a vulnerable or out-of-date version of Java, Adobe PDF Reader, or Flash Player.

It then installs other malware on your PC, including components of the "Blackhole" and "Cool" exploit kits. These exploits can download other malware on your PC.

See our exploits page for more information about this type of threat.


Alert level: severe