Jeffrey Snover articles

Jeffrey Snover
8 min read

Windows Server 2012, PowerShell 3.0 and DevOps, Part 2 

This concludes my two part series.  In my first post, I provided some background information about PowerShell and DevOps.  In this post, I’ll provide you a bunch of specifics.  PowerShell 3.0, like Windows Server 2012, has a ton of new features and enhancements so I’ll only scratch the surface.  While PowerShell has always been focused
1 min read

Announcing the Windows Server 2012 Community Roadshow 

We’ve put a lot of work into Windows Server 2012, and are happy to see the positive feedback from press and those who’ve downloaded the beta. We look forward to presenting Windows Server 2012 at our June TechEd events in Orlando and Amsterdam.  In this blog, Christa Anderson, a Program Manager in our Partner and
8 min read

Improved Server Manageability through Customer Feedback: How the Customer Experience Improvement Program makes Windows Server 2012 a better product for IT Professionals 

I once talked to a doctor who told me about a recent patient that had serious medical symptoms for over a year before visiting the doctor. He said that if the patient had mentioned these symptoms when they first arose, the prognosis was very good but now the patient was in trouble. That reminded me
8 min read

Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services (RDS) 

The other day I was in a conversation where I drew the distinction between reliable and robust.  I hadn’t really thought about it precisely but when asked to articulate the distinction I said that robust was “reliable across a wide range of conditions”.  A lot of what Klaas describes in his blog about RDS reminds
10 min read

Building Cloud Infrastructure with Windows Server 2012 and System Center 2012 SP1 

Operating Systems are platforms delivering experiences, features, and APIs that developers can build upon. Today, many developers take already shipping versions of Windows and deliver cloud computing solutions. Windows Server 2012 is a cloud-optimized OS, which means that developers can deliver much better cloud computing solutions with much less effort. System Center 2012 already delivers
5 min read

SMB 2.2 is now SMB 3.0 

We are at an exciting stage of the release.  Beta has been out for some time now and we’ve gotten lots of great feedback.  As we progress towards releasing the next version of Windows, many of the details are getting decided and communicated.  This has been a big week for naming.  On Monday, Brandon LeBlanc
11 min read

Introducing Windows Server “8” Hyper-V Network Virtualization: Enabling Rapid Migration and Workload Isolation in the Cloud 

We’ve all heard about the agility that server virtualization delivers.  However, our conversations with people in the trenches made it clear that the full potential of virtualization remains frustratingly beyond their grasp.  In particular, the lack of agile networking limits the agility you can achieve at a reasonable cost. Windows Server “8” is the most
18 min read

Standards-based Management in Windows Server “8” 

Microsoft Windows has long supported standards-based management.  We were one of the founding members of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) and shipped the first, and richest, Common Information Model (CIM) Object Manager (CIMOM) we all know as Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).  While WMI has served our customers and partners well, the true promise of
7 min read

Microsoft Online Backup Service 

A number of people view the cloud in all or nothing terms – you move everything to the cloud or you leave everything where it is.  The reality is that a lot of cloud adoption is going to follow the hybrid approach using both on-premises and cloud services.  An example of this hybrid approach is