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February 17, 2022

How to customize your PC

3 minute read

If you recently got a new Windows 11 computer, you can tailor it to your preferences with personalization options designed to give you a more satisfying experience. Here are a few PC customization tips to help make your new computer feel like home.

Personalize what you see on your computer

Computer screen with Windows 11 bloom in the background and dialog box shown side by side in light and dark modes
Take some time to  explore Windows settings to help you adjust your user preferences. For example, some people like the higher contrast that dark mode enables, others like the lightness of light mode. Some choose a mixture of the two. You can choose a picture for your desktop background or change the accent color for Start, the taskbar, and other items. Choose a new Windows Theme from a rotating set of images, sounds, and colors.

Set up your widgets to keep you in the know, with a layout you love. Resize, reorder, add, and remove items from your feed as you please.

Take time to make the most of your screen time

On a daily basis we’re online for work, play, research, learning, and more. Make your browsing time more enjoyable and efficient by personalizing the browser on your new PC by importing Favorites, and customizing your browser home page in the latest version of Microsoft Edge.

Web browser with a plate of food and an illustrated chicken with Vertical tab showing
Fit your natural web browsing flow better with Vertical tabs. By stacking your selected tabs vertically on the side of your screen, you can easily scan, toggle, and select tabs with minimal effort. You might love it so much you’ll never go back.

Accessorize and personalize for an enhanced PC experience

Computer mouse in multiple colors
If we’ve learned anything from fashion, it’s that accessories can go a long way in completing an outfit. So, choose from a variety of personalized accessories to make your computer the perfect fit for you. Whether it’s a mouse, keyboard, or pen, you can pick your favorite style and color to add aesthetically pleasing and stylish functionality to your Windows PC setup.

Putting the fun in functionality

As you explore customization options, remember that small details can make a difference in your daily computer use. Taking a few minutes to explore some of these options may yield rewards that last long into the future.

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