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April 13, 2022

How track your progress

2 minute read

If you’re one of the many people who sets new goals at the beginning of the year, now may be a good time to check in with your progress. Studies have shown that the habits associated with successful resolutions are encouraging by design, like rewarding ongoing achievement and engaging in positive thinking.1 We’ll show you a few different goal-tracking tips you can use to measure your progress, reassess if necessary, and maintain positivity on your self-improvement journey.

Take time to make time

If you set a goal for the year and aren’t as far along as you’d like to be, it can help to carve out blocks of time to focus on it and keep yourself accountable daily or weekly. Track your goals with Microsoft tools. You can use your Outlook calendar to schedule specific time in your day to focus and enable the Do Not Disturb feature  to help minimize distractions.

Maintain positivity with accountability

Discipline and self-control are important when tracking your goals. Did you know that self-control is contagious? Researchers have found that watching or even thinking about someone with good self-control makes others more likely to exert discipline.2 Microsoft Teams  is a great and convenient way to check in with friends and family members who are also working toward new goals and to spread the positivity.


Envision (or re-envision) success

If you find yourself having a tough time staying motivated, it can help to have a visual reminder of your goal. For instance, if you resolved to be more active or plan healthier meals this year, you can use Microsoft Edge Collections to save new workout ideas or healthy recipes. Edge Collections can serve as a vision board when you want to remember why you set the goal or add new inspiration as time goes on.

Record your progress using goal-tracking tools

Keep track of what’s been working, so it can be replicated, and what hasn’t, so it can be avoided in the future. In a moment that you feel particularly accomplished, jot it down in OneNote. OneNote is accessible across all your devices, so whenever success strikes, you’ll be ready to record it. 

Remember, it’s never too late to start working on your goal. Every day is a new opportunity to move forward and focus on tracking your goal progress instead of worrying about perfecting them.

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