Gen Z has entered the workforce, and there's so much to learn about the ways they think and work, and what they want out of a career. Teen Vogue editor in chief Versha Sharma is the fourth guest for Season 3 of Microsoft’s WorkLab podcast, in which hosts Elise Hu and Tonya Mosley have conversations with economists, technologists, and researchers who explore the data and insights into why and how work is changing. 

Three big takeaways from the conversation: 

  1. Gen Z values hybrid work. They want the flexibility to work from home, but they also crave, and deserve, an in-person environment where they can connect with colleagues.

  2. With a mix of generations collaborating at work today, Sharma says that managers should not only manage down but manage up and across too.

  3. Even amid tightening budgets, employers should continue to prioritize mental health. Sharma points out that it costs nothing to lead with empathy and compassion.

WorkLab is a place for experts to share their insights and opinions. As students of the future of work, Microsoft values inputs from a diverse set of voices. That said, the opinions and findings of the experts we interview are their own and do not reflect Microsoft’s own research or opinions. 

Follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Here’s a transcript of the Episode 4 conversation.

TONYA MOSLEY: This is WorkLab , the podcast from Microsoft. I’m your host, Tonya Mosley. On WorkLab we hear from leading thinkers on the future of work—economists, technologists, researchers. They all share surprising data and explore the trends transforming the way we work. 

VERSHA SHARMA: The most important thing right now for Gen Z is to prioritize human connection. It’s what they’ve been missing being at home during the pandemic and the first two years of their jobs. So that’s why that really meaningful, not surface level, connection is really important.