Producto de Microsoft quitado Versión Fecha en la que se quitó el producto
Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Core Edition 2014 06/01/2016
Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Standard Core Edition 2014 06/01/2016
Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition 2014 06/01/2016
Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition (Runtime-Restricted Use) 2014 06/01/2016
Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence Edition 2014 06/01/2016
Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence Edition (Runtime-Restricted Use) 2014 06/01/2016
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Standard, Enterprise and Business Intelligence Editions 2012 04/01/2014
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Workgroup Editions 2008 R2 04/01/2012
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Workgroup Editions (Runtime-Restricted Use) 2008 R2 04/01/2012
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Standard, Enterprise and Workgroup Editions 2008 04/01/2010