

Play the Game to Prepare Yourself for The Ze-Day, The Day of Zombie Outbreak!! Learn How to Stay Alive to Rescue Your Family and Friends!! This Game is inspired by the story that is published in The Daily Ximes about the Ze-Day, The day of Zombies Outbreak on Earth in 2020 A.D. It tells about the Zombies who come from unimaginable world to make the life on Earth miserable. The human mankind needs a savior to rescue them from these evil beings. You will be the Next Legend on Earth if you win this battle. You must kill all the Zombies who are trying to attack you. Defeat only means your death and you will rise as a Zombie next time!! Another chilling new horror survival adventure, featuring the living dead, by the makers of Curse Breakers and Zombie Invasion. You are a survivor of the Zombie Outbreak, it has been two weeks since the virus was released upon the world. To survive, you will need all of your wits. Story Line::: The world is taken over by the walking dead surfers around who devour any living thing they catch or hit, and whose bite is infectious to all humans including students, policemen, doctors, timberman, workers & etc. Now it's time to face the post apocalypse world and blow the crap out of thousands of zombies and fat bosses! It's up to you to not only survive but to build, lead, fit and fight your way as you rebuild this world.

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  • Some shooting secrets are hidden for enthusiastic players under Multi-Touch controls in the game
  • Intense zombie-blasting action Gameplay
  • Smooth and Easy Controls

Información adicional

Publicado por

Best App Entertainment


RLA Secret Solutions

Desarrollado por

Best App Entertainment

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

29,19 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado a partir de 12 años



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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Información del anunciante

Soporte de Blood Zombies Dead Target Killer

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