

Let's challenge friends to beat your timing. The Pool Challengers is a puzzle type billiard game in which you challenge your friends to beat records. The game id in full 3d environment with 3d physics. One of the most realistic and playable pool games you have ever played. Game Play Modes: The billiard game offers two game play modes: Challenge Mode: in which you will have to pot all 15 pool balls within given 6 shots only. each successful pot will give extra shot. Random Shot Mode: In this mode you have to play 10 levels. Each level will be different as you have to pot balls with in given shots. A new level will be unlock if the current playing level is completed successfully. Game Play: - Swipe screen up & down to adjust your view on table before playing shot - You have to pot all 15 balls in given shots - Each successful pot will give extra shot in challenge mode - Set ball movement right, left, top & bottom for spinning ball accordingly - Use chalk on stick for playing proper shots - Set cue ball in D when potted z Feels like playing fun billiard game Pool Match in a room.

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  • Challenge your friends to beat your scores
  • Full High quality 3D environments
  • Full 3D physics
  • 2 Camera modes: Ariel & 3D mode

Información adicional

Publicado por

Topi Tapi Games


Topi Tapi Games

Desarrollado por

Topi Tapi Games

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

14,69 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado a partir de 3 años



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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Información del anunciante

Soporte de Pool Challengers 3D

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