

RetroCity recreates the original city building experience. Jump in and take control. Be the undisputed ruler of a sophisticated real-time city simulation. Create your own dream city (or nightmare slum) from the ground up. You are the Mayor and City Planner with complete authority. Your city is populated by simulated citizens. Like their human counterparts, they build houses, condos, churches, stores and factories. And, also like humans, they complain about things like taxes, mayors, taxes, city planners, and taxes. Oh yeah... did I mention the monsters?

Capturas de pantalla

Novedades de esta versión

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on the previous releases. This feedback is being used to continually improve your experience with RetroCity!


  • 100% FREE
  • Supports both mouse and touch.

Información adicional

Publicado por

Wilton MicroSystems


Copyright © 2013, Wilton MicroSystems

Desarrollado por

Wilton MicroSystems

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

1.08 MB

Clasificación por edades

Para todas las edades




Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Información del anunciante

Soporte de RetroCity

Términos adicionales

Términos de la transacción

Informar sobre este producto

Iniciar sesión para informar a Microsoft de este juego
Informe este producto para contenido ilegal

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