Man using a tablet

Power Apps

Ícono de una pantalla junto a un engranaje.

Discover the development of easy and efficient apps with Power Apps. Human beings have creative and strategic thinking, but we spend most of our time doing repetitive and manual tasks, that’s why our customers are looking for new solutions for their business challenges through:

Development of automated process flows for key processes.

Modernization of old or manual processes.

Extension and complement of existent solutions.

We have developed our Power Apps Toolkit, which gathers all the resources, tools, trainings, and more so that you, your teams and your customers can get much more done.

Microsoft Power Apps is a low code app development platform that enables small and medium-sized businesses to create professional web and mobile apps to solve their business challenges. With the intuitive low code platform features, your team can create apps easily and fast, and streamline efficiency, while decreasing costs at the same time.


Empower your IT team

Offer new features

Develop apps

Reduce times and costs


Discover how to obtain a substantial return on investment (ROI) by enabling citizen developers, business users from your organization with little or no experience at all in development to create and collaborate with professional developers in solutions that use low code tools in Microsoft Power Platform.

We invite you to read The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Power Platform, a 2021 research conducted by Forrester Consulting (translated into Spanish), to discover the costs savings and benefits that a company can expect in three years, including the following:

502 %

Return of investment

74 %

Reduction in development costs


Hours of weekly enhancement in per person productivity

Microsoft Power Apps is part of Power Platform which is much more than its parts put together. Connect them (besides Office 365, Dynamics 365, Azure and hundreds of other apps), and create comprehensive solutions:

  • Power BI: Make informed and secure business decisions, making information based on data available to all..
  • Power Automate: Increase your business productivity and do much more by offering your team the resources and the ability to automate organizational processes.
  • Power Virtual Agents: Create chatbots easily to interact with your customers and collaborators, with no code required.

To capitalize this market opportunity, in which 65% of apps is estimated to be developed under low code methodologies by 2024, we must base success on three pillars:

  1. Maximizing the integration of Microsoft One Cloud together with Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and Azure.
  2. Developing necessary competencies through Low Code Advanced Specialization certification.
  3. Keeping the continuous contact with your customers to ensure the maximum benefit of the acquired technologies and keeping exploring new business opportunities.

More information

What is Microsoft Power Platform

Partner Value Prop Deck

Power Platform landing page

Microsoft Customer Stories



Besides building your practice with the objective of obtaining the certification Low Code Advanced Specialization, we invite you to take advantage of the following learning and training resources available to you:

If you have questions about which training, exam or certification is most appropriate, you can check

If you are looking for more information about how to develop your practice, capitalize market opportunities and differentiate your value proposal, we have put together a series of webinars that will be of much help at


Other resources

Find the right Microsoft Power Platform certification for you

Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence Kit

Expand your Power Platform community:
Power Platform Adoption Framework

Marketing Material

Power Platform keeps innovating every day in each one of the components adding and updating content constantly so that you can keep offering the maximum value to your customers.

Microsoft Customer Digital Experiences

Customer Journey

Power Apps Conversation Guide

Power Automate Conversation Guide

We invite you to visit Power Platform Partners and download the latest in our Sales Plays from the section>Practices and the latest on technical content from>Products.


In order to boost the development of your business opportunities, we have made the FY23 Business Applications Presales Offers program available, so that you can carry out activities with your customers, such as design sessions through Catalyst or workshops and poofs of concept.

Get in touch with a Cloud specialist here to participate in marketing programs, learn about our membership levels and access different partner benefits.

Learn about Microsoft business apps competencies and discover the available options for your company and their benefits.