Star Wars: The Last Jedi + Bonus
16,99 €


Star Wars -saaga jatkuu, kun The Force Awakens -elokuvan sankarit liittyvät galaktisiin legendoihin eeppisessä seikkailussa avaten Voiman saloja ja menneisyyden järkyttäviä paljastuksia.


FEATURE With Commentary
2 t 31 min
The Director and the Jedi
1 t 35 min
Balance of the Force
10 min
Lighting the Spark: Creating the Space Battle
14 min
Snoke and Mirrors
5 min
Showdown on Crait
12 min
Andy Serkis Live! (One Night Only)
5 min
Deleted Scenes – Introduction From Rian Johnson
49 s
Deleted Scene – Alternate Opening
1 min
Deleted Scene – Paige’s Gun Jams
38 s
Deleted Scene – Luke Has a Moment
1 min
Deleted Scene – Poe: Not Much of a Sewer
46 s
Deleted Scene – It's Kind of Weird That You Recorded That
59 s
Deleted Scene – The Caretaker Sizes Up Rey
42 s
Deleted Scene – Caretaker Village Sequence
2 min
Deleted Scene – Extended Fathier Chase
5 min
Deleted Scene – Mega Destroyer Incursion – Extended Version
3 min
Deleted Scene – Rose Bites the Hand That Taunts Her
1 min
Deleted Scene – Phasma Squealed Like a Whoop Hog
1 min
Deleted Scene – Rose & Finn Go to Where They Belong
32 s
Deleted Scene – Rey & Chewie in the Falcon
16 s
Deleted Scene – The Costumes and Creatures of Canto Bight
1 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Alternate Opening
1 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Paige’s Gun Jams
38 s
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Luke Has a Moment
1 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Poe: Not Much of a Sewer
46 s
Deleted Scene With Commentary – It's Kind of Weird That You Recorded That
59 s
Deleted Scene With Commentary – The Caretaker Sizes Up Rey
41 s
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Caretaker Village Sequence
2 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Extended Fathier Chase
5 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Mega Destroyer Incursion – Extended Version
3 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Rose Bites the Hand That Taunts Her
1 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Phasma Squealed Like a Whoop Hog
1 min
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Rose & Finn Go to Where They Belong
32 s
Deleted Scene With Commentary – Rey & Chewie in the Falcon
16 s
Deleted Scene With Commentary – The Costumes and Creatures of Canto Bight
1 min



Rian Johnson

App Studio

Walt Disney Pictures


English (tekstitys)




Mediakasvatus- ja kuvaohjelmakeskus



2 t 32 min




Rian Johnson
George Lucas


8,17 Gt (1080p HD)
4,41 Gt (720p HD)
2,53 Gt (SD)


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