Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy Bundle
Le prix d'origine était de 54,97 $ CAD, prix actuel : 39,99 $ CAD
Remise de 27 %
UHD sélectionné(e)
Le prix d'origine était de 54,97 $ CAD, prix actuel : 39,99 $ CAD
Remise de 27 %


Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One - Death is coming. But what can the combined might of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and hundreds of heroes do to save all reality from ARMAGEDDEON?! Part Two - An endless army of shadow demons seeks to destroy all realities. What mysterious force drives them; and do Monitor and Supergirl’s secrets threaten to crush the heroes’ last defense? Part Three - The ANTI-MONITOR attacks the remaining Earths and their inhabitants. Heroes and villains across time and space join the Justice League for a final stand against the epitome of evil.