Sleeping Beauty
HD sélectionné(e)
Économisez 15,00 $ CADIl reste 11 jours
Lorsque vous sélectionnez Louer, vous avez 14 jours pour commencer à regarder le film et 48 heures pour le terminer.


The curse is cast…the magic is real…and one kiss will change everything! Fall under the spell of Sleeping Beauty, the ultimate princess fairy tale that is now part of the acclaimed Walt Disney Signature Collection. Beauty, wonder and thrilling adventure spin together in a grand legend that transcends time as the evil and jealous fairy Maleficent, one of imagination's most spectacular villains, casts a curse on the kingdom's beloved Princess Aurora. Hoping to save the princess, three Good Fairies--Merryweather, Flora and Fauna--spirit her off to the forest where they raise her as their own daughter. But it isn't enough, for on her 16th birthday, Aurora pricks her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and falls into a deep, enchanted sleep just as Maleficent had intended. The Good Fairies do not give up, and they help brave Prince Phillip--armed with the Shield of Virtue and the Sword of Truth--defeat a powerful fire-breathing dragon, rescue Aurora and break the spell with true love's kiss. Share all the magic and majesty in Disney's animated classic Sleeping Beauty!

Informations supplémentaires


Les Clark
Clyde Geronimi
Eric Larson


Walt Disney Pictures


English (sous-titre)

Année de publication


Classification par âge


1 h 15 min




Erdman Penner
Charles Perrault
Joe Rinaldi


4,21 Go (1080p HD)
2,63 Go (720p HD)
2,11 Go (SD)

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