

Thirteen - Tien Len Mien Nam (Tiến Lên) - Southern Poker Offline or Thirteen Cards is the popular free card game in Vietnam. In this game, you can play Tien Len offline without the network connection. A match of Thirteen Tien Len Xo Viet can play with 2 - 4 player. The No.1 Southern Poker game on Android, iOS, and UWP. With a smart computer, Tien Len Mien Nam Offline will help you to improve playing skill and become a professional player. * Features: - Many options to play a match of Thirteen Cards. - Bots (AI) very hard with 8 level different. - Leaderboard of the world or only ranking in your list friends from Facebook. - Don't and never have banner ads on "Tien Len XoViet". - Many options to collect Chip to play Thirteen Cards Poker.

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Taille approximative

91,75 Mo

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Tous les âges

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Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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